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2009/6/28 12:22:13
Just popping in

More a suggestion than a question...

Now that Impress is growing up, and gaining some steam on the internet, I highly suggest that your developers start identifying their add-on's by application, as in version of Impress.

I know I'm going to hit a wall shortly. I'm a new member here and new to Impress, but I'm going to be taking 1.2 out for a ride like you wouldn't believe. I'm going to be stressing the modules, theme's, add-ons, whatever, to the max. I need to test drive this and make sure it's suitable replacement for Xoops and Joomla, for my customers. I liked the ease of Xoops, but it was limited in functionality. I like the setup of Joomla, but it's grown old and stale now, and finding an add-on for your specific version is like a PITA.

Joomla has one huge flaw, there are just too many versions available. I hope that with Impress, you guys grow into the next level, but stop supporting levels all the way back to the beginning of time so that you don't encounter the same situation.

Anyway, long post to make a simple suggestion - make sure you identify your add-on's by Impress version.

Now, is there a beta group to test add-on's for 1.2?? I'd like to volunteer for that if there is....

2009/6/28 13:14:27
Home away from home

Re: More a suggestion than a question...

No - and we need it.

Addons is being redone as we speak - and the new version requires all modules to be kid tested and mother approved.

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