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2009/12/17 17:05:10
Just popping in

News Module

I am moving my xoops systems to impresscms and need to add the news module. When I up load it the Modules operation under SYSTEM becomes a blank list - when i remove news it appears complete. Is there something wrong with the module? In fact this now occurs if I upload any of their modules. ALso what are you using for menu in this theme?

Thanks for your help keep up the good work - I have 40 xoops sites to transfer by the way.

Tony Ayling
Brisbane Australia

2009/12/17 18:21:58
Home away from home

Re: News Module

Hello Tony - which version of News are you using?

Also - what version of xoops did you have, and which version of Frameworks did you use?

2009/12/18 1:06:33
Home away from home

Re: News Module

From memory the last version of News wasn't fully compatible with the last version of Impress. But news V1.56 definitely works with Impress 1.1.2.

I haven't upgraded to 1.2 just yet, so don't know what the status is with that.

2009/12/18 4:10:52
Just popping in

Re: News Module

Hi David
I tried 1.67 the latest i could find and verstion 1 final fo smart Framework
Hope that helps
Maynbe you can guide me to a download of a compatible news module.

2009/12/18 4:38:33
Home away from home

Re: News Module


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