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2011/8/30 17:44:44
Home away from home

image-manager don't use the image-set icons


as you can see in the code, I did some commits yesterday and my target is to use the icons from images-set. This step is very important for an admin theme.

But I have a problem with the image-manger. The image-manager use templates and the icons are in the templates included.

like this:
<img src="images/delete_big.png" /></a>

In my other commits I could use the function for the image-set. But how can I use this for a template? It's possible to use a smarty?

like this:
<img src="<{$ICMS_IMAGES_SET_URL}>/actions/delete_big.png" /></a>


2011/8/31 5:03:56
Home away from home

Re: image-manager don't use the image-set icons

Anybody can help me with this please? The time for code freeze is coming fast.


2011/8/31 9:38:54
Home away from home

Re: image-manager don't use the image-set icons

Here's a little hin for you:


the german icms website :

2011/9/1 0:16:08
Home away from home

Re: image-manager don't use the image-set icons

Works perfectly! I added the changes in the trunk.


2011/9/1 1:05:51
Home away from home

Re: image-manager don't use the image-set icons

Don't forget to add the same changes to the 1.3 branch - as that was made just before your commit

2011/9/1 9:03:15
Home away from home

Re: image-manager don't use the image-set icons

Branches are not for releases - they are working development directories that need to be separate from the trunk for a variety of reasons (significant changes, maintaining the previous release are the primary reasons)

Please also respect the change freeze while the release is being prepared. It will only delay the release and some changes will actually set us back to a different status (a RC release could become a Beta release)

Christian Web Resources

2011/9/1 9:57:37

Re: image-manager don't use the image-set icons

My bad, I should have created a release instead of a branch. I'll start over from the current revision.

Fatigue, you know


Me on OpenHub

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