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2011/9/9 9:44:50
Home away from home

Automatic top menu: sublinks problems

I am working for a automatic top menu in themes (sometimes I have readed claims about this)
For now, I have got insert module names

<{php }>include_once ICMS_ROOT_PATH.'/modules/system/blocks/system_blocks.php'; $modules = b_system_main_show(); $this->assign('block',$modules);<{/php}> <div id=""> <ul class="menutop"> <li <{if $icms_dirname == "system"}> class="active"<{/if}>><a href="<{$icms_url}>/index.php" title="<{$block.lang_home}>"><{$block.lang_home}></a></li> <{foreach item=module from=$block.modules}> <li <{if $icms_dirname == $}> class="active"<{/if}>> <a href="<{$icms_url}>/modules/<{$}>/" title="<{$}>"><{$}></a> </li> <{/foreach}> <li><a href="#">Custom</a></li> </ul> </div>

But i do not know how include module sublinks. This code does not work

<{foreach item=sublink from=$module.sublinks}>

...and I am not a php wizard.

2011/9/9 12:59:30
Home away from home

Re: Automatic top menu: sublinks problems

this is very interessting but the wrong approach. Impresscms needs a built-in menu management. it is embarrassing that a user needs to hack themes and templates to get a custom menu.

I hope that this and some other things will be realized in the 1.4 version

free impresscms themes

2011/9/9 13:34:34
Home away from home

Re: Automatic top menu: sublinks problems

Agreed - it's certainly something I'd like to see.

Indeed a simple module to handle menus is something on my post 1.3 wishlists

2011/9/12 14:23:59
Home away from home

Re: Automatic top menu: sublinks problems

Yes, but we need theme admin module too. Theme Settings could be managed then by users.
In the meanwhile, anyone can help with this matter?

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