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2012/4/18 23:17:52
Home away from home

Pimp up your pagination

Yesterday I wrote a new posting in the Wiki (German Community) about the ImpressCMS Pagination and added a new style with CSS3. It will working with all browsers.

Check out the the code from here:

And have a look into the online demo:

It's fine or not?

2012/4/19 1:34:12

Re: Pimp up your pagination

I like the fact that you describe the 'paginationstyle' option at the end. I think it would be interesting to eliminate the need to manually add the reference to the paginationstyle.php file. I'll add that as a todo.


Me on OpenHub

2012/4/19 4:44:33
Home away from home

Re: Pimp up your pagination

I like to see this as the new standard pagination for impressCMS.


2012/4/19 16:01:12
Home away from home

Re: Pimp up your pagination

Agree with David. Some of my themes have special pagination styles and get out working require modify core files.

2012/4/26 21:00:46
Home away from home

Re: Pimp up your pagination

Easy enough to query the files in the paginationstyles/css/ folder - in fact, it will be in 2.0 very shortly.

update libraries/paginationstyles/paginationstyles.php and replace all the existing code with this

$style_list = icms_core_Filesystem::getFileList(ICMS_LIBRARIES_PATH . "/paginationstyles/css/", "", array("css"), TRUE); foreach ($style_list as $filename) { $filename = str_ireplace(".css", "", $filename); $styles[] = array( 'name' => ucfirst($filename), 'fcss' => $filename, ); }

Now, you just have to place a new css file in the folder and you'll get the new option. The name in the option list will be the name of the file without the extension.

Christian Web Resources

2012/4/26 23:26:16

Re: Pimp up your pagination

another Barrier broken down in 2.0! Way to go!


Me on OpenHub

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