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2012/8/13 13:13:16

language codes list on wiki

I just posted a list of language codes on the wiki.

Feel free to make any adjustments needed.


Me on OpenHub

2012/8/13 13:31:39
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki

Are we able to use these as standard replacements in the ml tags as well?

2012/8/13 17:17:29
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki

I miss esperanto ;)


2012/8/13 19:26:01
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki

Since we've just seen the closing ceremony of the Olympics, a medal count seems appropriate ...

Language with most variants:
Gold medalist: Spanish (19)
Silver medalist: Arabic (16)
Bronze medalist: English (11)

Christian Web Resources

2012/8/13 23:41:42
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki

Could we adopt the ISO 639-1 two-letter language codes, as they are an international standard? I have a file as an includeable array if anyone wants it, this is what I use in Sprockets / gone native modules.

It does not account for regional variations as discussed elsewhere, but we could still use the 2-letter base standard (and keep the suffixes as per the wiki list above for regional variations).

It would also be useful to use the ISO 3166 country name / code standard. This is actually a very sensitive issue in some countries and it can get people into rather more trouble than you might think if the wrong name pops up on a form somewhere and some jack-booted goose-stepping peanut spots it and decides to create trouble.

2012/8/14 2:14:55

Re: language codes list on wiki

@skenow : yes, I was amazed at the number of variations some languages have.

@madfish: I looked at that one, expecting to find the regional language variations as well, but I couldn't find any official list with that data.
The initial goal for translations will be to cover as many of the first-level languages as possible. If regional variations are proposed, that would be cool but not the main goal.

Concerning the ISO lists : we could include some standard lists in the core. Those would need translations as well of course. Any proposal on how (and where) to get them in the core?


Me on OpenHub

2012/8/14 2:17:46

Re: language codes list on wiki

Forget it, I found this list on Transifex (should have thought of looking there before) :


Me on OpenHub

2012/8/15 15:36:37
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki

As far as I know the list of country names in language/english/countries.php is based upon the 2 letters ISO-3166 standard.
This ISO standard is used in imLinks too.

McDonalds Store

2012/8/15 17:07:34
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki

I think the main problem with the country list is the actual names rather than the codes. The ones I've been pulled up on are Taiwan ("Taiwan, Province of China"). Also Yugoslavia (edit: this one seems to been fixed).

2012/8/16 2:47:09
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki

In the file country.php the country names have been modified already.

Taiwan, Province of China => Taiwan
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of => Korea (North)
Korea, Republic of => Korea (South)
Lao People's Democratic Republic => Laos
Palestinian Territory, Occupied => Palestine

McDonalds Store

2012/8/16 3:19:01
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki


fiammybe wrote:
I just posted a list of language codes on the wiki.

Feel free to make any adjustments needed.

I think this list can cause conflicts in the future because some codes might be the same as used for local provinces, counties, districts or so.

When looking at page 5 of this ISO 3199-2 document we see that ES-CO represent Córdoba in Spain while in the Wiki list it represents Spanish (Columbia)

McDonalds Store

2012/8/16 7:06:57
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki


In the file country.php the country names have been modified already.

Taiwan, Province of China => Taiwan
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of => Korea (North)
Korea, Republic of => Korea (South)
Lao People's Democratic Republic => Laos
Palestinian Territory, Occupied => Palestine

Yeah but its the long names that are actually correct, or at least "official". Also there is:

* Iran, Islamic Republic of
* Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of

Also, the file only defines the names, it doesn't give the ISO country codes. Maybe it would be useful to have an includeable array of country code/name pairs that could be used to populate select boxes or whatever?

Is there more than one country file? The one I'm looking at is /language/english/countries.php

2012/8/16 15:01:36
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki


McDonald wrote:

When looking at page 5 of this ISO 3199-2 document

Sorry, forgot to include the link:

McDonalds Store

2012/8/16 15:10:55
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki


Madfish wrote:

Also, the file only defines the names, it doesn't give the ISO country codes. Maybe it would be useful to have an includeable array of country code/name pairs that could be used to populate select boxes or whatever?

Is there more than one country file? The one I'm looking at is /language/english/countries.php

Look at the file libraries/icms/form/elements/select/Country.php

icms_form_elements_select_Country() can be used to create a dropdown list of the country names and stores the 2 letter ISO code in the db.

McDonalds Store

2012/8/16 20:39:16
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki

Ok thanks, so in that case its the country names in the language file that are out of whack.

BTW: I was looking at Transifex and they are using the ISO 639-1 language codes as well.

2012/8/20 5:54:19

Re: language codes list on wiki

Transifex adheres to ISO 639-1, but the composite language codes are not in those lists. Have a look at

I haven't yet found an official list which contains nl_NL and its peers.


Me on OpenHub

2012/8/20 9:37:06
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki


fiammybe wrote:
I haven't yet found an official list which contains nl_NL and its peers.

There is no official list I think, because it's made of 2 ISO codes: the ISO 639 and ISO 3166.
You're free to compose your own.

Looking at this list nl_AN (Dutch-Antilles) and na (Dutch-Antillean) are missing from the Wiki list.

McDonalds Store

2012/8/21 1:08:56

Re: language codes list on wiki

I added nl_AN. What's the difference between nl_AN and an?

They seem duplicate to me.


Me on OpenHub

2012/8/21 1:42:26
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki

an represents the Aragonese language according to ISO 639-1.

nl-AN represents the Dutch (nl) language spoken on the Dutch Antilles (AN) in the Caribbean. I am not sure if this is the same as Papiamento (pap).

There is actually a mistake in the wiki list. The second part should be in capitals (ISO 3166). Example: en-us should be en-US.

McDonalds Store

2012/8/21 3:57:44
Home away from home

Re: language codes list on wiki

Maybe this RFC 1766 (Tags for the Identification of Languages) document is of interest.

McDonalds Store

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