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2012/11/16 12:55:15
Home away from home

problems with smartbizz theme

Hey Guys,

It has been a while since I was here....

I want to build a site with the Smartbiss theme that Debianus ported tot ICMS. (well done!!)

But I can't get the cstom and slider block visible in the frontpage.
Can anyone give me a complete workaround how to do that. I need a step by step aproache I think.

Already thankyou for the help!

Greetz web-M


web-M Personal website

2012/11/16 13:34:06
Home away from home

Re: problems with smartbizz theme

Hiya - if I remember you need to create two custom block positions: "slider" and "custom" - which have some html to manually add .... which can be found in the "tpl" directory.

2012/11/16 14:24:50
Home away from home

Re: problems with smartbizz theme

I did tried that, but it didn't work for me.

Some other ideas?


web-M Personal website

2012/11/18 14:00:55

Re: problems with smartbizz theme

@QM-B told me something about the jQuery library that would give issues with the themes, and that upgrading to the very latest should solve problems in certain cases.


Me on OpenHub

2012/11/19 13:05:51
Home away from home

Re: problems with smartbizz theme

You mean the latest version of ImpressCMS? I use 1.3.3 final.


web-M Personal website

2012/11/19 13:10:04
Home away from home

Re: problems with smartbizz theme

No, he was talking about our included jQuery version. the current used jquery, jquery ui and colorbox need to be updated.. Currently I am doing the last tests to get sure it's working. Will update the libraries this night.
The last time I often found trouble in themes caused by the jquery version/colorbox version. Especially in IE..

2012/11/19 13:25:01
Home away from home

Re: problems with smartbizz theme

OK but should the blocks work when I make two new blockpositions named slider and custom? Or should I do something else?


web-M Personal website

2012/11/19 13:50:34
Home away from home

Re: problems with smartbizz theme

Sorry, don't know the theme yet.. never checked.. Just had a quick look for the code. In theme html I found on lines 68/69:
<{if $xoBlocks.page_slider}><{includeq file="$theme_name/slider.html"}><{/if}> <{if $xoBlocks.page_custom}><{includeq file="$theme_name/custom.html"}><{/if}>

So I'd expect looking for block positions page_slider and page_custom

2012/11/19 14:08:39
Home away from home

Re: problems with smartbizz theme

Wow now it is working!!

I overlooked page_...

Thanks for your help


web-M Personal website

2012/11/19 14:18:07
Home away from home

Re: problems with smartbizz theme

Ok.. I'm glad that it is solved

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