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2007/12/8 8:46:02
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

Yes - that's pretty much the idea (different colours per site) I believe

2007/12/8 8:58:42
Just popping in

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

That is nice :D


- Time is a created thing. To say, "I don't have time" is like saying "I don't want to."
- Lao-Tzu......

2007/12/8 13:06:42
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

Here's the basic wireframe. I've tested this on IE 6/IE 7/FF 2/Safari 3/Opera 9 all on Windows XP SP2.

If others, on other operating systems could give it a spin and make sure it displays correctly, that would be appreciated.

I figure, the base code we're working on for the iCMS homepage could be the basis for the first new default theme, so I'm throwing in all the block positions initially.

Ana, could you contact me via MSN? I need to talk with you about the graphics. Thanks!

Edited by davidl2 on 2008/1/8 20:56:31
JMorris (aka James Morris)
ImpressCMS Professional Services: INBOX International inc.
James Morris Online | Frolicking on the playground that is the Internet...

2007/12/9 9:34:23
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

I've got most of the logic, XHTML and CSS done. There is some work needed on fine-tuning the margins and padding, but the hardest part is done.

At this point, the images need sliced, the CSS needs color matched, and the aforementioned fine-tuning needs done.

I won't be around today and much of tomorrow. If somebody else wants to take what I've done so far and continue on it, that would be a great help!!!

Work so far attached.

Let's make this first theme a team effort!!!

Edited by davidl2 on 2008/1/8 20:57:07
JMorris (aka James Morris)
ImpressCMS Professional Services: INBOX International inc.
James Morris Online | Frolicking on the playground that is the Internet...

2007/12/9 23:12:12
Just popping in

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

i will have a deeper look at this.

2007/12/10 1:57:22
Just popping in

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

james, looks great so far from the "view into source output". What I would add is a [html]label for the input(s).

after a quick look I ran into problems when the id of the single centercolums were assigned.

eg, I never get a "single-top-center-column" though both left and right centerblocks were not set. This is because the values are overwritten some lines below.

it is true that when both centerleft and centerright were empty normally this should be rendered as "single-top-center-column".

but, ... some lines below there is
<{elseif empty($xoops_clblocks) && !empty($xoops_ccblocks)}>
which is in this explecit situaton also true so the id of the centerblock will be rendered as "wide-top-right-column" only.

We can solve this situation copying the first block of lines (of the 3 blocks where the ids were assigned, not the blockoutput) below the 2 others (ctop centerblocks related)

So we get this instead:

<{if empty($xoops_ccblocks) && empty($xoops_crblocks)}>
<{assign var='tclc' value='single-top-left-column'}>
<{elseif empty($xoops_ccblocks) && !empty($xoops_crblocks)}>
<{assign var='tclc' value='wide-top-left-column'}>
<{assign var='tcrc' value='wide-top-right-column'}>
<{elseif !empty($xoops_ccblocks) && empty($xoops_crblocks)}>
<{assign var='tclc' value='wide-top-left-column'}>
<{assign var='tccc' value='wide-top-center-column'}>
<{assign var='tclc' value='top-left-column'}>

<{if empty($xoops_clblocks) && empty($xoops_ccblocks)}>
<{assign var='tcrc' value='single-top-right-column'}>
<{elseif empty($xoops_clblocks) && !empty($xoops_ccblocks)}>
<{assign var='tcrc' value='wide-top-right-column'}>
<{assign var='tccc' value='wide-top-center-column'}>
<{elseif !empty($xoops_clblocks) && empty($xoops_ccblocks)}>
<{assign var='tcrc' value='wide-top-right-column'}>
<{assign var='tclc' value='wide-top-left-column'}>
<{assign var='tcrc' value='top-right-column'}>

<{if empty($xoops_clblocks) && empty($xoops_crblocks)}>
<{assign var='tccc' value='single-top-center-column'}>
<{elseif empty($xoops_clblocks) && !empty($xoops_crblocks)}>
<{assign var='tccc' value='wide-top-center-column'}>
<{assign var='tcrc' value='wide-top-right-column'}>
<{elseif !empty($xoops_clblocks) && empty($xoops_crblocks)}>
<{assign var='tccc' value='wide-top-center-column'}>
<{assign var='tclc' value='wide-top-left-column'}>
<{assign var='tccc' value='top-center-column'}>

this works for me in this situation. Same counts for the bottom centerblocks.

Or is it only me stupid?

what i would like to see in the source were hr's to devide the sections more clearly. we may hide them or make the "not visible" but we may (a)buse them to clear (repair) some "module templates output errors" using clear:something.

this for now!
keep on good work my friend

2007/12/10 16:13:42
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

Yeah, it's still rough. My brain is mush right now. I'll have to take a look at it tomorrow. Thanks!

JMorris (aka James Morris)
ImpressCMS Professional Services: INBOX International inc.
James Morris Online | Frolicking on the playground that is the Internet...

2007/12/10 20:21:22
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

I think I understand what you are saying about the smarty logic and it makes sense. After looking at the lines for several hours, I went cross eyed because they all looked similar. I wouldn't be surprised if I missed a couple scenarios.

BTW... Thanks Dave for helping me with the empty() function in Smarty!

I hope, when we are done with this thing, that the logic could possibly be integrated into the core somehow. For instance, a drop-down box to select the column quantity.

If 3 Col -> div id = col1, col2, col2
#col1 {width:33%}
#col2 {width:33%}
#col3 {width:33%}

Then just write the setting to blocks.html and blocks.css.

By using the left float technique, we can do this rather easily without breaking things provided the block width is consistent.

Oh, sorry, back on track.... Damn ADHD!

I'll get back to work on this. Thanks!

JMorris (aka James Morris)
ImpressCMS Professional Services: INBOX International inc.
James Morris Online | Frolicking on the playground that is the Internet...

2007/12/12 15:30:14
Just can not stay away

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

Theme #6 does look wonderful, very impressive work! This kind of work will get a lot of hands clap together.

How much time do you expect you need until the theme will be ready for testing by the community? Other than praising you, testing and giving feedback on the design, do you require any help?

2007/12/12 19:27:32
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme


How much time do you expect you need until the theme will be ready for testing by the community? Other than praising you, testing and giving feedback on the design, do you require any help?

Originally, I offered to help Ana with the coding. I got the basic tableless coding done (from scratch) but got held up at the Smarty logic to make the blocks float properly. Since then, I've been extremely tied up in other areas (personal and otherwise) and have not been able to get back to this. It's not looking like I'm going to be able to any time soon either.

If somebody else has more time available and can tackle getting this done, by all means, please do! IMHO, it doesn't matter *who* does it. As long as it gets done.

JMorris (aka James Morris)
ImpressCMS Professional Services: INBOX International inc.
James Morris Online | Frolicking on the playground that is the Internet...

2007/12/12 22:37:04
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

Anyone would like to take on the task of finishing up our theme ?

Marc-André Lanciault
Founder and CEO INBOX International inc.
Co-Founder ImpressCMS

2007/12/13 0:30:33
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

Have some time until Saturday so I might be able to help further

So you made great theme yeah that's nice, now let me see ya do the same thing twice, 3times 4times and a couple of mo' times/Please, you're Amateur Night, it's Showtime

2007/12/13 1:29:52
Just can not stay away

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

As I said when joining the group, my hands are abit tied up in December. (me mumbles somthing about "you lazy bastard")

2007/12/13 2:11:42
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

If possible ana, add and ?


2007/12/13 3:56:36
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

Yes - and I also will try and attempt to speak to Ashley again today - not only did he have a few ideas which may be suitable for the core - but module development was something he wanted to help with on x.o

2007/12/13 4:54:57
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

If anyone can help out James with this - then we can start to get a site install made sooner.

Thanks in advance.

PS: I'd help - but we'd end up with a theme looking worse then xoops.orgs

2007/12/13 9:22:37
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

I have a little trouble using James framework, although the code looks very good, it's been difficult for me to understand and apply the design to it in a way that it doesn't take me too long to do.

If it were me to do it I'd most likely using the following html:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<{$xoops_langcode}>" lang="<{$xoops_langcode}>">
<{* Center blocks display order valid values are: lrc (left right / center) lcr (left center right) clr (center / left right) *}>
<{assign var=theme_top_order value=clr}>
<{assign var=theme_bottom_order value=clr}>
<{assign var=theme_name value=$xoTheme->folderName}>

<title><{$xoops_pagetitle}> : <{$xoops_sitename}> : <{$xoops_slogan}></title>

<meta name="robots" content="<{$xoops_meta_robots}>" />
<meta name="keywords" content="<{$xoops_meta_keywords}>" />
<meta name="description" content="<{$xoops_meta_description}>" />
<meta name="rating" content="<{$xoops_meta_rating}>" />
<meta name="author" content="<{$xoops_meta_author}>" />
<meta name="copyright" content="<{$xoops_meta_copyright}>" />
<meta name="generator" content="XOOPS" />

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/ico" href="<{xoImgUrl /favicon.ico}>" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<{xoImgUrl /icon.png}>" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" title="" href="<{xoImgUrl /style.css}>" />

<body class="<{$xoops_dirname}> theme-default">
<{if $xoBlocks.canvas_left and $xoBlocks.canvas_right}><{assign var=columns_layout value='threecolumns-layout'}>
<{elseif $xoBlocks.canvas_left}><{assign var=columns_layout value='leftcolumn-layout'}>
<{elseif $xoBlocks.canvas_right}><{assign var=columns_layout value='rightcolumn-layout'}>
<div id="xo-canvas"<{if $columns_layout}> class="<{$columns_layout}>"<{/if}>>
<div id="xo-user-actions">
<div id="xo-slogan"><{$xoops_slogan}></div>
<div id="xo-search">insert search form here</div>
<div id="xo-canvas-header">
<div id="xo-main-logo">
<a href="<{xoAppUrl /}>"><img src="<{xoImgUrl images/header-logo.gif}>" alt="<{$xoops_sitename}>" /></a>
<div id="xo-banner">
<{if $xoops_banner and $xoops_banner != '&nbsp;'}>
<div id="xo-banner-ad"><{$xoops_banner|smarty:nodefaults}></div>
</div >
<div id="xo-canvas-globalnav">
<li><a href="<{xoAppUrl /}>">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="<{xoAppUrl modules/news/}>">News</a></li>
<li><a href="<{xoAppUrl modules/filereleases/}>">Downloads</a></li>
<li><a href="<{xoAppUrl modules/newbb/}>">About us</a></li>

<div id="xo-canvas-content">
<table id="xo-canvas-columns" cellspacing="0">
<{if $xoBlocks.canvas_left}>
<{includeq file="$theme_name/blockszone.html" blocks=$xoBlocks.canvas_left
zoneClass='xo-canvas-column' zoneId='xo-canvas-leftcolumn' zoneTag='td'
<td id="xo-page">
<{if $xoBlocks.page_topleft or $xoBlocks.page_topcenter or $xoBlocks.page_topright}>
<div class="xo-blockszone xo-<{$theme_top_order}>pageblocks" id="xo-page-topblocks">
<{includeq file="$theme_name/centerblocks.html" topbottom=top lcr=$theme_top_order|substr:0:1}>
<{includeq file="$theme_name/centerblocks.html" topbottom=top lcr=$theme_top_order|substr:1:1}>
<{includeq file="$theme_name/centerblocks.html" topbottom=top lcr=$theme_top_order|substr:2:1}>
<{if $xoops_contents}><div id="xo-content"><{$xoops_contents}></div><{/if}>
<{if $xoBlocks.page_bottomleft or $xoBlocks.page_bottomcenter or $xoBlocks.page_bottomright}>
<div class="xo-blockszone xo-<{$theme_bottom_order}>pageblocks" id="xo-page-bottomblocks">
<{includeq file="$theme_name/centerblocks.html" topbottom=bottom lcr=$theme_bottom_order|substr:0:1}>
<{includeq file="$theme_name/centerblocks.html" topbottom=bottom lcr=$theme_bottom_order|substr:1:1}>
<{includeq file="$theme_name/centerblocks.html" topbottom=bottom lcr=$theme_bottom_order|substr:2:1}>
<{if $xoBlocks.canvas_right}>
<{includeq file="$theme_name/blockszone.html" blocks=$xoBlocks.canvas_right
zoneClass='xo-canvas-column' zoneId='xo-canvas-rightcolumn' zoneTag='td'
<div id="xo-footer">

Although the block layout is managed by div's, it still has a table with 3 columns and I don't know if that is acceptable for ICMS standards?

I'm pretty busy right now but if it is still accepted I can do it using this layout. And I would need all the requirements... if finally it will be the green one, what width do you want it to be? (I had proposed 960px fixed width), and if the theme is going to used in other sites but with some change to it, it would be good to know what change it is going to have so I make sure the slices and areas are easily replacable by some other image or css class.

_________________ (impresscms & xoops themes)
"what is essential is invisible to the eye" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

2007/12/13 10:03:27
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme


Wat we need is a theme that works. I agree we will need to get rid of the tables, but I don't see it as a priority for now.

My proposal : An, go ahead ad you think is best and can be done ASAP.

James, or others who would like to help, please work on a better theme and as soon as you have it, we will use it.

In the mean time we will be able to open up.

Thoughts ?

Marc-André Lanciault
Founder and CEO INBOX International inc.
Co-Founder ImpressCMS

2007/12/13 10:05:03
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

Seconded - we can always improve anything you're not happy with a little later if required?

2007/12/13 10:18:29
Just can not stay away

Re: ImpressCMS Theme

Great idea,.because we sure need some time not only for a valid theme, but also to make sure icms spits out valid code. So maybe for the next (not this) release we can have a valid theme build around a core that spits valid code.

Core74 - Webdesign | Twitter | Flickr

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