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22/12/2023 22:07:11
Just popping in

for PHP8.2

Hello from Japan.


Thank you always for the version upgrades and maintenance.

Now, I wanted to upgrade my WebServer's PHP from 7.4 to 8.2, but ImpressCMS was not compatible with PHP 8.2, so I did some trial and error and managed to install and manage it with PHP 8.2.

As for the modules, I am gradually making adjustments to the modules I use (Japanese version). I hope this is helpful. Please download from here.


23/12/2023 9:29:06
Home away from home

Re: for PHP8.2

Thank you, Tac!

We have PHP8 compatibility in the coming release of 2.0, which is really just days away, once we finish a few things and get through the holidays.

Christian Web Resources

24/12/2023 7:20:59
Home away from home

Re: for PHP8.2

If you get a chance, Tac, please test the upcoming release on PHP8.2 and let us know what you find.

Christian Web Resources

24/12/2023 16:07:56
Just popping in

Re: for PHP8.2

OK, I will try.

29/12/2023 2:24:33

Re: for PHP8.2

As far as I could test, PHP 8.2 support should be quite far along. The biggest problem will be the modules I think.


Me on OpenHub

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