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3/9/2008 15:02:35
Just popping in

Swedish Translation

Hi!, just stopped by to announce that ive started a translation of impressCMS into swedish.
I will probably just let someone else throw this into the svn, i might take a shot at it but we´ll see i guess :)
If there is something you think i forgot or did wrong please use this thread and i will adress it asap!.

// Ronny

So far i have used the module "Language Tool Version
0.075" to create the source files. I cant see anything different using that from just ripping the english translation and using that so if nobody tells me otherwise i will use just that.

*more to come... (as work continues) :thumbup:

3/9/2008 15:25:31
Home away from home

Re: Swedish Translation

Excellent work britsmar!

4/9/2008 15:26:10
Just popping in

Re: Swedish Translation



5/9/2008 2:10:37
Home away from home

Re: Swedish Translation

Exelent News

I can create structure for your language.

[edited for myself]

Created structure for files...


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