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2009/6/6 4:42:22
Home away from home

optimizing iforum 1.0 rc for search engines and social engines

hi,today when i've been trying to post a link on facebook from my forum module i've found that it doesnt give automatique titles and metadescription from the thread ! it shows the root title and meta description which can be harmfull for seo!
anyone can help me with this ?
here is an example:

thanks in advance


2009/6/6 15:48:46
Home away from home

Re: optimizing iforum 1.0 rc for search engines and social engines

I am not sure I understand what the problem is.

2009/6/6 16:00:28
Home away from home

Re: optimizing iforum 1.0 rc for search engines and social engines

hii,ty for the answer will
when i try to share an url to facebook for example ... e=&topic_id=1286&forum=10 i got something like this
which is not correct


2009/6/6 16:09:06
Home away from home

Re: optimizing iforum 1.0 rc for search engines and social engines

ohhh - ok - well this isn't really a system problem as much as it is a theme problem.

In your theme - if you have <{$xoops_pagetitle}> - <{$xoops_sitename}>> then you have a long way to go before you should be worrying about SEO.

Basically your meta area should be ridiculous.

here is mine

<!-- Title and Meta --> <{if $cur_dir|truncate:4:""=="wfdo" }> <title><{$page_title}> | Mr. Theme Design</title> <meta name="description" content="Mr. Theme Design Free Theme Downloads Section" /> <{elseif $cur_dir|truncate:4:""=="mytu" }> <{assign var='page_title' value='Video Tutorials' }> <title><{$page_title}> | Mr. Theme Design</title> <meta name="description" content="Mr. Theme Design Video Tutorials" /> <{elseif $cur_dir|truncate:6:""=="smartp" }> <{assign var='page_title' value='Partners' }> <title><{$page_title}> | Mr. Theme Design</title> <meta name="description" content="Mr. Theme Design Partners" /> <{elseif $cur_dir|truncate:4:""=="them" }> <{assign var='page_title' value='Recent Themes' }> <title><{$page_title}> | Mr. Theme Design</title> <meta name="description" content="Mr. Theme Design News and Tutorial Section - ImpressCMS, XOOPS, and Photoshop Guides" /> <{elseif $cur_dir|truncate:4:""=="news" }> <{assign var='page_title' value='Text Tutorials' }> <title><{$page_title}> | Mr. Theme Design</title> <meta name="description" content="In depth tutorial on creating a XOOPS or ImpressCMS Theme From Scratch." /> <{elseif $cur_dir|truncate:4:""=="liai" }> <{assign var='page_title' value='Contact' }> <title><{$page_title}> | Mr. Theme Design</title> <meta name="description" content="Contact Mr. Theme Design" /> <{elseif $cur_dir|truncate:4:""=="pric" }> <{assign var='page_title' value='Pricing' }> <title><{$page_title}> | Mr. Theme Design</title> <meta name="description" content="Mr. Theme Design Price Guide" /> <{else}> <title><{$page_title}> | Mr. Theme Design</title> <meta name="description" content="<{$page_title}>, <{$meta_description}>" /> <{/if}>

And this is a minimalist approach - sublime's is ridiculously long.

Something I discussed with the team recently is expanding the power of symlink... I would love to see the ability to use symlink to set custom page descriptions/titles/meta - seems like we are half way there already.

2009/6/6 16:25:22
Home away from home

Re: optimizing iforum 1.0 rc for search engines and social engines

goood i will try this about custom page description/titles/meta i think that defacer module from trabis do this allready ! but that not automaticly can be done you have to assign everything mannualy .
which can be verry hard for a forum


2009/6/6 18:06:20
Home away from home

Re: optimizing iforum 1.0 rc for search engines and social engines

Like I said - mine is very minimalistic - but you can go into it a lot deeper.

Look at the forum templates for newbb - there is a smarty constant used there for the description - and topic title.

Play around with it - and you can create unique tags for every module - on the fly automatically.

What you should be taking from mine is how to isolate the module via smarty.

Also - you can do it right in the module if you are feeling strong.

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