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11/1/2010 20:06:41
Home away from home

RSS feed in ImBlogging

How do you get an RSS feed for ImBlogging? I saw there's a blog feed on this site, but when I install the module I can't see any file or setting for it. I've got ImBlogging version 1.

Is it a custom hack?

11/1/2010 23:09:42
Home away from home

Re: RSS feed in ImBlogging

Make a new file in the /modules/imblogging/ folder.
Call it rss.php
Put this in it.

$clean_post_uid = isset($_GET['uid']) ? intval($_GET['uid']) : false;

include_once IMBLOGGING_ROOT_PATH.'/class/icmsfeed.php';
$imblogging_feed = new IcmsFeed();

$imblogging_feed->title = $icmsConfig['sitename'] . ' - ' . $icmsModule->name();
$imblogging_feed->url = XOOPS_URL;
$imblogging_feed->description = $icmsConfig['slogan'];
$imblogging_feed->language = _LANGCODE;
$imblogging_feed->charset = _CHARSET;
$imblogging_feed->category = $icmsModule->name();

$imblogging_post_handler = icms_getModuleHandler('post');
//ImbloggingPostHandler::getPosts($start = 0, $limit = 0, $post_uid = false, $year = false, $month = false
$postsArray = $imblogging_post_handler->getPosts(0, 10, $clean_post_uid);

foreach($postsArray as $postArray) {
$imblogging_feed->feeds[] = array (
'title' => $postArray['post_title'],
'link' => str_replace('&', '&', $postArray['itemUrl']),
'description' => htmlspecialchars(str_replace('&', '&', $postArray['post_lead']), ENT_QUOTES),
'pubdate' => $postArray['post_published_date_int'],
'guid' => str_replace('&', '&', $postArray['itemUrl']),


This was from the imblogging trunk.

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