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2010/2/15 7:31:05
Just popping in

Another module as MyTube?


I have a module MyTube, and now I want another module like this,
The idea is to change MyTube by another module for example video ..

Works or not?


2010/2/15 10:06:16
Home away from home

Re: Another module as MyTube?


McDonalds Store

2010/2/15 13:03:21
Just popping in

Re: Another module as MyTube?

Hello McDonald,

well Yes!

MyTube clone had created with the name of video and works and also seo.

Greetings. :thumbup:

2010/2/17 13:43:40

Re: Another module as MyTube?

If I understand correctly, you don't want to know if there are modules that can act as an alternative to myTube.
In fact, you want to use MyTube several times on your site. Am I correct?


Me on OpenHub

2010/2/18 12:40:42
Just popping in

Re: Another module as MyTube?

Hello fiammybe,

Yes, i want to use the MyTube module twice.


2010/2/18 16:53:28
Home away from home

Re: Another module as MyTube?

nswer would still technically be no right? Wouldn't the module be using the same tables for both clones?

McD has done a bitchin job on this module - there is bound to be some downside. You managed to find it. lol.

I think it would be wise to consider how we structure our tables in future modules...

perhaps instead of
$mytree = new XoopsTree( $xoopsDB -> prefix( 'xoopstube_cat' ), 'cid', 'pid' );

we could do
$mytree = new XoopsTree( $xoopsDB -> prefix( basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) )'_cat' ), 'cid', 'pid' );


of course that would require them to set the name of the module folder before installing it.

2010/2/18 23:15:53

Re: Another module as MyTube?

It is a very cool module, and I'm testing it right now for (where we gather all the video tutorials/howtos etc...).

Altering the prefix function might do the trick transparently, althought it wouldn't be a clean way of doing things.


Me on OpenHub

2010/2/24 11:22:06
Just can not stay away

Re: Another module as MyTube?

Indeed a very nice module! We are now using it at

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