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2010/2/2 4:53:49
Home away from home

ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

Hi everyone,

We are ready to launch 1.2.1 beta. The packages have been created. According to our Releases Procedure, we need 5 people to confirm that the packages are good and installation is done flawlessly.

The prepared packages can be downloaded here:

If you want to help, please download and extract each one of them and ensure they extract correctly and then process to an install. Please report back here with your conclusion stating your environment specs (ex: Windows, PHP 5.2.1, etc...)

As soon as we have 5 reports that all everything is good, we will proceed to the release.


Marc-André Lanciault
Founder and CEO INBOX International inc.
Co-Founder ImpressCMS

2010/2/2 5:08:50
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

I downloaded and extracted all the packages and all was well.

I only installed the full package, but the install script work without any problem.


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2010/2/2 8:10:34

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

Sorry, tested it with Opera 10.10, and install won't work.

I'll test at home in a few hours to see if this package still works with FF and IE8. (it worked yesterday).


Me on OpenHub

2010/2/2 9:32:05
Just can not stay away

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

Upgrade from 1.2 to 1.2.1 works fine. Accept iForum (RC2) gives blank page now....With debug on:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /home/wiki21/public_html/kernel/notification.php on line 773

2010/2/2 10:20:28
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

@powadha: There was a last minute change regarding this file by Vaughan. Maybe he can help. Thank you for reporting.

the german icms website :

2010/2/2 10:28:31
Just can not stay away

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

No problem! Tested a bit more, I need to turn of notifications for all modules to be able to use them without the error (I'm running iForum, wf-downloads). So the problem must have to do with notification I guess (brilliant conclusion ;))..

2010/2/2 12:56:55
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

yeah sorry guys.. fixed the parse error in revision #9828

for those that can't wait, just grab the following 2 files from htdocs/kernel from the latest 1.2 branch on SVN


Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever

The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together!

2010/2/2 14:52:15

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

When I update the files, installation seems ok. Except for ticket #937, but that might be server related.


Me on OpenHub

2010/2/2 17:06:21
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

Hi guys,

Repackaged. Please try again:


Marc-André Lanciault
Founder and CEO INBOX International inc.
Co-Founder ImpressCMS

2010/2/3 4:40:47

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

the validation counter reset to zero

I'll be testing this in 7 hours. If anyone wants to beat me to it, go ahead.


Me on OpenHub

2010/2/3 15:21:06

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

If someone could look at this one :

I suddenly am unable to install 1.2.1 beta. Was anything changed since 1.2?



Me on OpenHub

2010/2/4 9:08:53
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

I've added a comment on this one.

the german icms website :

2010/2/4 20:29:15
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

I just changed in revision this in revision 9831 - please try again

Christian Web Resources

2010/2/4 23:44:34

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

testing in 4 hours. I'll let you know.



Me on OpenHub

2010/2/5 6:09:45
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

Hi guys, thanks to David for finding the glitch. Repackaged again. Please download the package from here:

Can we get some confirmation that the packages are OK, installable, and that we are ready for official release of 1.2.1 beta ?


Marc-André Lanciault
Founder and CEO INBOX International inc.
Co-Founder ImpressCMS

2010/2/5 7:27:35
Quite a regular

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

Good news. Thanx.

I now testing this package, but I don´t understand how use plugins. If plugins to OFF, all is right. After choose "php highlighter" or "GeSHi highlighter" problem with displaying. Blank periodic lines.

blank line
blank line
line of content
blank line
line of content
blank line
line of content
blank line

2010/2/5 12:14:10
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

Hi JardaR,

thanks for feedback. I have added for this a ticket in this week.


2010/2/5 15:05:04

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

Please have a look at the latest package for 1.2.1 beta at

We need 5 people to confirm

After that, the 1.2.1 beta can be released.

Please post your success or failure here.



Me on OpenHub

2010/2/6 1:50:21
Home away from home

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

(1) zip extracted just perfectly / tar.gz is packed correct and extracts just perfectly as well.
(2) installation went flawlessly
(3) fesh install: in the ACP i do get the following message which makes no sense for a fresh install:

Congratulations, you have just successfully upgraded your site to the latest version of ImpressCMS! Therefor to finish the upgrade process you'll need to click here and update your system module. Click here to process the upgrade.

Updating the system module is working and the message disapears. Anyway. It shouldn't be there in the beginning.
(4) Conent Modul Home (should be a core issue though): Clicking on the Category notification checkbox doesn't select the checkbox just below which it should do
(5) I can't delete private messages in my inbox.

Of course I can't do a whole CMS test now but that's what I've found so far. Sorry for the delay but I'm very busy these days.

the german icms website :

2010/2/6 6:11:32

Re: ImpressCMS 1.2.1 Beta Packages testing

Thanks for testing. I'll open a ticket for that strange message.

If anyone else would test too, I'm sure Marcan is itchy to release the beta


Me on OpenHub

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