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2010/3/12 9:11:07
Home away from home

Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

Who's bright (read idiotic) idea was to make block title a must?

On the same note, who's idiotic idea was to make block title a must BUT let block content to be blank?

Is there anyone just using block titles or the other way around?!


So you made great theme yeah that's nice, now let me see ya do the same thing twice, 3times 4times and a couple of mo' times/Please, you're Amateur Night, it's Showtime

2010/3/12 9:17:05
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

I presume this is in the latest version?

I do use some blocks without a title from time to time. The only time I've ever used just a title was..... erm......... never.......... But I suppose some possibly could?

2010/3/12 9:19:03
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

I'd very much like to see a site that has just block titles ROFL

So you made great theme yeah that's nice, now let me see ya do the same thing twice, 3times 4times and a couple of mo' times/Please, you're Amateur Night, it's Showtime

2010/3/12 9:29:10
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

I never said it was logical, but it is possible.

Anything is possible with a little imagination, pmsl

2010/3/12 9:32:25
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

So am forced for title ..when i should be forced for content!

Am forced for side...when there's no way can't not chose one
Am forced for visible...when there's no way can't not chose one
Am forced for Content type...when there's no way can't not chose one


Am NOT forced for Visible in...when i should be!
Am NOT forced for Block view permission... when i should be!

That's umm epic !

So you made great theme yeah that's nice, now let me see ya do the same thing twice, 3times 4times and a couple of mo' times/Please, you're Amateur Night, it's Showtime

2010/3/12 10:02:03
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

It certainly seems a little odd!

2010/3/12 10:14:40
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

Come on guys.
Someone created this and is proud of it. Can we deal with this in a more gentle fashion.

We're on the verge of releasing 1.2.1 final and now we find this out?

It's easily fixable though.

Open kernel/block.php

$this->quickInitVar('name', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX);
$this->quickInitVar('bid', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, true);
$this->quickInitVar('mid', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, true);
$this->quickInitVar('func_num', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT);
$this->quickInitVar('title', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX, true);
$this->quickInitVar('content', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTAREA);
$this->quickInitVar('side', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, true);
$this->quickInitVar('weight', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, true, false, false, 0);
$this->quickInitVar('visible', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, true);
$this->quickInitVar('block_type', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX);
$this->quickInitVar('c_type', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX, true);
$this->quickInitVar('isactive', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT);
$this->quickInitVar('dirname', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX);
$this->quickInitVar('func_file', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX);
$this->quickInitVar('show_func', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX);
$this->quickInitVar('edit_func', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX);
$this->quickInitVar('template', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX);
$this->quickInitVar('bcachetime', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT);
$this->quickInitVar('last_modified', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT);
$this->quickInitVar('options', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX);

Where it says "true" the field is required. Do with it what you like.

2010/3/12 10:20:00
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

Thank you so much

So you made great theme yeah that's nice, now let me see ya do the same thing twice, 3times 4times and a couple of mo' times/Please, you're Amateur Night, it's Showtime

2010/3/12 10:48:19
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

No big deal.

In all my themes, i add some code to the block's template so they hide the title when they find the word "hide" at the beginning of the title.

This is it:

<{if $block.title && $block.title|truncate:5:"":true != "hide:"}> <{$block.title}> <{/if}>

It does the trick while saving you from hacking the core.

By the way, this lets you have titles for all blocks, which is something I recommend for easier organization and maintenance.

If you can't understand what I'm saying, you're not geek enough

2010/3/12 12:14:29
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

Guys, why all the big words ? In 1.2, we rewrote the blocks systems, so yes, it's possible that some things needs fixing. Simply let us know and it will get fixed, no need for terms like "idiotic"

I'll fix it now.


Marc-André Lanciault
Founder and CEO INBOX International inc.
Co-Founder ImpressCMS

2010/3/12 12:46:37
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

Here you go:

And for the records, I believe nachenko's solution is the way to go. Clients need to see names for all their blocks or else they will be lost...

Marc-André Lanciault
Founder and CEO INBOX International inc.
Co-Founder ImpressCMS

2010/3/12 12:48:31

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

yes, my idea when reading the first post was that the block title was also needed as a description.

Annoying, but Nachenko's solution should solve that.


Me on Ohloh

2010/3/12 13:21:34
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

One option could be to make a "block name" and "block title" field.

Block title - basically would be the current one. Not needed in all cases perhaps

Block name - would be for admin reffrence. Just basically so you can see which block is which - and perhaps leave useful brief notes

Simple change - and something perhaps for 1.4. (And upgrade script could simply copy "block title" to "block name" for versions < 1.4 )

2010/3/12 13:24:52
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

"idiotic" is as big or small as any other words, is as big or small as the person reading it wants it to be.

making title a requirement is shoving a box and that's a bit ironic isn't it...all boxes have a lid but it should be to one's desire if title is inserted or it was before.

nachenko's way is the right way i can't argue with that..never argued nachenko's contributions and he's posted a ticket about what i started this topic.

Sorry i haven't searched through tickets before posting but you know..i'm the "regular user" ? lol .

RC or not RC i can't see why that thing was changed out of the blue

So you made great theme yeah that's nice, now let me see ya do the same thing twice, 3times 4times and a couple of mo' times/Please, you're Amateur Night, it's Showtime

2010/3/12 13:44:38
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!


"idiotic" is as big or small as any other words, is as big or small as the person reading it wants it to be.

Maybe, but really, what value does it add to the discussion ? It's you personal opinion and although I totally respect that, I don't think this kind of comment belongs here. Anyway, case close, we've spent already too much time on a "word". Just try to be careful next time. Words have their importance in the process.


RC or not RC i can't see why that thing was changed out of the blue

Again, the whole block system was rewritten. It's something that changed without purpose, and now it's fixed.

It should have been fixed earlier, I agree, but if no one reports it, we can't fix it.


Marc-André Lanciault
Founder and CEO INBOX International inc.
Co-Founder ImpressCMS

2010/3/12 13:55:48
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

yeah.. have you tried pressing that lil nice link on left column which says "Report core bug" ? no?

"TICKET_CREATE privileges are required to perform this operation"

so how does it improves users <=> devs relations if i don't have a trac account?

No one reports because all tests are superficial?

No one reports because everyone tests on local environments ?

No one reports because you're required to have a trac account ?

yeah that's very "regular user" wise innit?

So you made great theme yeah that's nice, now let me see ya do the same thing twice, 3times 4times and a couple of mo' times/Please, you're Amateur Night, it's Showtime

2010/3/12 14:05:13
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!


Come on guys.
Someone created this and is proud of it. Can we deal with this in a more gentle fashion.


Guys, why all the big words ? In 1.2, we rewrote the blocks systems, so yes, it's possible that some things needs fixing. Simply let us know and it will get fixed, no need for terms like "idiotic"

What do you mean guys?

I think the worst I said was "It seems a little odd".

I do like Davids suggestion:


Block name - would be for admin reffrence. Just basically so you can see which block is which - and perhaps leave useful brief notes

2010/3/12 14:18:00
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

Oh well it's fixed - it's just something that was overlooked in testing.

As for my suggestion - a simpler suggestion (not mine!) would be a simple y/n "display title" box

However - lets look at that for 1.4 - and get a few ideas down in trac

(And if you don't want to use trac... drop me a message and i'll do it for you!!)

2010/3/12 15:43:00
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

I wonder how the block sorting will behave with empty titles.

2010/3/12 15:55:08
Home away from home

Re: Block title a MUST?! are you freaking kidding me?!

I might be wrong but... system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&op=visible&bid=37 denotes blocks are dealt with via id and not title?

So order, visible/not, content, etc is primarily saved for bid= block id and not btitle= which i'm not sure even exists

So you made great theme yeah that's nice, now let me see ya do the same thing twice, 3times 4times and a couple of mo' times/Please, you're Amateur Night, it's Showtime

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