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2011/12/9 5:07:27
Home away from home

Recent ImpressCMS Community website upgrade


Since the most recent upgrade the Search feature on the Project, Community and Wiki webpages doesn't return more than 5 results per installed module.
It works on the Addons page

McDonalds Store

2011/12/14 19:56:58
Home away from home

Re: Recent ImpressCMS Community website upgrade

This is a bug. The 'enable deep searching' option in preferences/search options does the *opposite* of what it is supposed to do. I presume it is now turned on.

Can someone please turn deep search *off*, as this will restore the function to the site. It is very hard to troll the forums for past posts at the moment.


2011/12/14 20:40:29
Home away from home

Re: Recent ImpressCMS Community website upgrade

Settings have been updated - the search results should be back to normal...

Christian Web Resources

2011/12/15 6:29:05
Home away from home

Re: Recent ImpressCMS Community website upgrade

Thanks! Much better now!!

2011/12/15 20:35:00
Home away from home

Re: Recent ImpressCMS Community website upgrade

Now there seems to be an problem using the editors. At first, tiny doesn't render my links , you can not use the link-button (it's deactivated?) and after editing it removes my link from post.. whyever.

2011/12/15 21:25:45
Home away from home

Re: Recent ImpressCMS Community website upgrade

I think it's just the forum - it doesn't have any way of setting control of which editor to use and every user gets a select box with the available editors. All of the modules from that author have the same feature/flaw.

To change your editor in the forums, you'll have to delete the cookie it sets, or wait for the cookie to expire.

Migrating from this to a newer module would be ideal. Anyone want to take on that task?

Christian Web Resources

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