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2012/11/26 12:11:46
Home away from home

Fixing ICMS Style Smarty delimiters in SublimeText

If you use sublimetext2 or textmate - no doubt you have seen that these editors register the icms style smarty delimiters as erroneous with the standard html syntax highlighter, and the smarty syntax highlighter available online is useless.

Good news! You can easily fix the smarty delimiters issue, and here is how.

Please note that I am a mac user - you will have to translate to windows if you use that OS :)

1. Open /Users/<you>/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage

Here you can either find the references to smarty and uncomment them - then update them to use the icms delimiters - or just copy this in.

Save - restart your editor and you are done.

2012/11/26 18:49:48
Home away from home

Re: Fixing ICMS Style Smarty delimiters in SublimeText

Great and thank you! I installed SublimeText on my Ubuntu machine yesterday

/usr/lib/sublime-text-2/Pristine Packages/

Replace the file HTML.tmLanguage.txt and restart SublimeText, finish.

Works as well!

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