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2015/3/28 5:50:40

Edit mytube viewcat


I want to display two Video on the same line in mytube
as block mytube_block_new_h.html that displays 5 video in the same line with smarty template


<{assign var='cats_per_col' value=5}>

<table width="700px" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">

<{foreach name=i item=videoload from=$block.videos}>
<{if $smarty.foreach.i.iteration mod $cats_per_col eq 1}><tr><{/if}>
<td align="center" style="padding: 2px; vertical-align: middle;"><div align="center"><a href="<{$videoload.url}>" ><{$videoload.videothumb}></a><br />
<a href="<{$videoload.url}>" ><font color="#0066CC"><{$videoload.title}></font></a><br />
<{if $smarty.foreach.i.iteration mod $cats_per_col eq 0}></tr><{/if}>

Kindly help me to convert the code to use on mytube_viewcat et mytube_inderx

Et merci

2015/3/30 2:18:54

Re: Edit mytube viewcat

Hi galdiator,

let me have a look at those templates. Are you using a specific theme (bootstrap, other)?


Me on OpenHub

2015/3/30 9:35:10

Re: Edit mytube viewcat

i'm using yikes themes

and for my template

In mytube_videoload.html


<div class="even" style="display: table; width: 99%;">

<div style="width: 99%;" class="affiche">
<div style="float: left; padding: 0 4px 4px 0;">

<{if $video.screen_shot}>

<a href="<{$video.url}>" target=""><{$video.videothumb}></a>





<span class="video2"><a href="<{$video.url}>" title=" <{$video.title}>" class="videot"><{$video.title}></a></span>
<br />
<small><{$video.hits|wordwrap:50:"\n":true}></small><br />
<b>Langue: </b><span> <{$video.publisher}><br /></span>
<{$video.description}>&nbsp;<a href="<{$video.url}>" title="<{$video.title}>"><{$video.title}></a><br>

</div> </div>

I want to display two Video on the same line in mytube

like Random video Block for example


<div style="overflow: auto;">
<{foreach item=videorandomh from=$block.random}>

<div style="float: left; margin: 1px; padding: 2px; background-color: #d9d9d9; font-size: smaller; text-align: center;">
<a href="<{$video.url}>"><{$video.videothumb}></a>
<br />
<a href="<{$video.url}>"><{$video.title}></a>
<br /></a>

2015/3/31 8:51:13
Home away from home

Re: Edit mytube viewcat

What MyTube release are you using? Final is 1.06 and the code for mytube_block_new_h.html template does not match with you has related.
In MyTube viewcat template look for this line
<div style="clear: both;"> <!-- Start link loop --> <{section name=i loop=$video}> <{include file="db:mytube_videoload.html" video=$video[i]}> <{/section}> <!-- End link loop --> </div>

You can see the array values adding


It seems if you play with HTML and CSS (width box) you can get it.
Can you provide a live example?

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