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2015/10/20 7:27:16

Install of ImpressCMS 2 alpha went very smooth

hi there everyone!

i just wanted to tell you that the install of icms 2 alpha went very well and i am very impressed. the backend has awesome improvements and its fun to use it. what i saw regarding the version number: in the xoops_version file it says alpha6, in other places its alpha5, anyways it runs really smooth so far. the is sported with it and since it looking really good i will overjump the 1.3.8 regarding other projects as well

2015/10/20 12:21:06

Re: Install of ImpressCMS 2 alpha went very smooth

Glad you like it

There have been so many changes since alpha5, and it has been so long, that we really need to get a new alpha out of the door.

Keep in mind that alphas have no automatic upgrade path to newer releases, so your site might be stuck in alpha once we go to beta and final release. We might reconsider on a case by case basis though.


Me on OpenHub

2015/10/21 10:58:33

Re: Install of ImpressCMS 2 alpha went very smooth

i see, well i would go with the 1.3.8 as well but really like the 2.
will there be a way from beta to final maybe?
or, do you think i could try upgrading it manually somehow?
i would do that if possible.

thx for the info!

2015/10/21 14:58:18

Re: Install of ImpressCMS 2 alpha went very smooth

Personally I think the 2.0 version is close to going to beta, which means only bugfixes and no more new functionality. As you noticed, it's quite functional already.

The reason we're currently not managing upgrades from alpha/beta to final versions is because that would be too much work, frankly. Normally it's just files that are changed, so you might be able to do it manually. Unless some DB changes are necessary, then it becomes more tricky.

In any case, if you need to upgrade from a development version to a final version, someone around here could definitely lend a hand.


Me on OpenHub

2015/10/21 15:10:59

Re: Install of ImpressCMS 2 alpha went very smooth

id love to go with icms2 regarding the and have ppl connect, even with updates. following something thats in the process, therby being part of its development. something between hodajuku and whats next, installable on your own machine. i will migrate it to another version as well though by hand too, if its possible. i did it allready with some site migrating from 1.2 to 1.3(having different modules for same old content). so pls go on smooth without any pressure, im the one who has to thank you! theres a couple of projects im into and the majority of it uses impresscms, more than half of it are opensource, the rest also for the benefit of all.

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