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2022/12/26 17:17:52
Home away from home

Module status: Oledrion

I did start going through testing Oledrion on newer versions of ImpressCMS. Here are the first few things I've found

  1. There are characters in the SQL comments and code that are multibyte characters. My local test server is running MySQL 8 by default, and the character set needs to be uft8mb4 and the index lengths need to be adjusted, or the comments need to be removed. If you don't make those changes, the module will not install and give you an error something like:

    Comment for field 'current.1311final_oledrion_products.product_sku' contains an invalid utf8mb3 character string: '\xE9ro'.
    Unable to install oledrion.

    Here is the text from the sql file:

    CREATE TABLE `oledrion_products` (
      `product_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `product_cid` int(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
      `product_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
      `product_vendor_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
      `product_sku` varchar(60) NOT NULL COMMENT 'numéro interne du produit',

    If you switch to utf8mb4 to accommodate the multibyte characters, you'll get this error

    Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
    Unable to install oledrion.

    If you then edit the db engine type in the SQL file and changing all the tables to InnoDB (some are MyISAM), the installation completes successfully. I'm not sure how this affects the rest of the performance.
  2. While some of the constants and functions have been updated for ImpressCMS, not all of them have. The highest version you can install this on at the moment is 1.3.11. One that definitely needs to be changed throughout oledrion is xoops_module_header - that doesn't appear in any theme we currently use.

If someone else would like to have a look at this, I've got a couple of other modules I'm focusing on at the moment.



Christian Web Resources

2022/12/28 11:52:38

Re: Module status: Oledrion

Hi Steve, thank you for this first batch of tests. I will already make the changes you mention on github. I'm currently focussing on getting ImpressCMS 1.5.0 ready for PHP8 so that has my focus at the moment, but getting oledrion running on ImpressCMS 1.5 would be nice indeed.

You encounter issues because the comments were written in French, and they use these darn accents I think I will translate them.


Me on OpenHub

2022/12/28 13:20:49
Home away from home

Re: Module status: Oledrion

I think I had issues with the character set because of the move to MySQL 8 - it turned the generic utf8 to utf8mb3

Christian Web Resources

2022/12/28 19:20:14
Home away from home

Re: Module status: Oledrion

@fiammybe - would you start with the pull request I just added? I applied the source formatting in our coding standards before making any other changes. It's so much simpler than trying to review that and the code changes that come later.

Christian Web Resources

2022/12/28 19:39:55

Re: Module status: Oledrion

Sure, no problem. I hadn't seen your pr before.


Me on OpenHub

2022/12/29 16:32:07
Home away from home

Re: Module status: Oledrion

That's because I just submitted it before the post

Christian Web Resources

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