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2007/12/8 4:19:10
Home away from home

Using the trackers on our SF project

Hi guys,

Again, I'm coming back with this request. Would you see any serious problem in starting to use the trackers at SF ?

I know we are still discussion about what our long term objectives are and it would be better not to start coding before this is all decided. But altought I agree we need to decide all this sooner than later, but we already have enough of an idea about where we are going that we can start coding 0.5 version.

So, in order to get things organized and track what we are doing, it is essential we use the bug, feature and tasks tracker. It is the only way we can be efficient and productive.

ImpressCMS can be found in a few places now on the web and has discussed it briefly, and so does frxoops. So it is not a secret anymore.

2007/12/8 5:20:48
Home away from home

Re: Using the trackers on our SF project

Well lets be honest.

If we where developing in secret, people would not be able to have access to the code in svn.

But they can, if they wish, access svn.

So perhaps we should use this - and therefore allow people to help error test if they so wish.

Let's get a decision on this

2007/12/8 6:26:01
Home away from home

Re: Using the trackers on our SF project

The cat is out of the bag. The sooner we move from behind closed doors, the happier I'll be. I say, move forward with open development.

JMorris (aka James Morris)
ImpressCMS Professional Services: INBOX International inc.
James Morris Online | Frolicking on the playground that is the Internet...

2007/12/8 7:06:46
Home away from home

Re: Using the trackers on our SF project

Perfect, then we will start using them.

I already created an impresscms-bugs mailinglist. All activity of the bug tracker will be sent to this mailing list.

Shall I create 2 others for features tracker and tasks tracker ?

Marc-André Lanciault
Founder and CEO INBOX International inc.
Co-Founder ImpressCMS

2007/12/8 7:11:57
Home away from home

Re: Using the trackers on our SF project

Might be a good idea. That way no tasks or feature requests are accidentally ignored.

JMorris (aka James Morris)
ImpressCMS Professional Services: INBOX International inc.
James Morris Online | Frolicking on the playground that is the Internet...

2007/12/10 11:15:00
Home away from home

Re: Using the trackers on our SF project

OK, so bug tracker is ready to frontal attack of beta-testers :D I believe there will not be many attacks ;]

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