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11/2/2023 10:11:57
Home away from home

A new milestone has been reached!

Over the years, we have used different version control repositories, our current one being GitHub. A recent merge of a pull request has pushed us to 1,000 pull requests that have been merged into our core -

Thanks for all the efforts that have gone into bringing us this far!

Attach file:

png  impresscms-1000-github-prs-merged.png (27.52 KB)
54__1014063e7daba541ec.png 640X198 px

Christian Web Resources

12/2/2023 2:30:41

Re: A new milestone has been reached!

That is a momentous occasion! Thank you for putting this into the spotlight.

With the new 2.0 coming around the corner and also some movement in our newly-minted ImpressTNG branch, that number of PRs is certainly going to rise even more!


Me on Ohloh

12/2/2023 12:43:25
Home away from home

Re: A new milestone has been reached!

And that is just on GitHub. That doesn't count what was done on SourceForge and Assembla,

Christian Web Resources

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