20/4/2008 4:33:47
Re: Downloads site: Work neededin column view
name - version - author in detailed view name - version -date added description author name - link to author page mirrors (with counts) after Download now For the mirrors Mirror logo, main site, mirror download, count of the downloads Be the first one to review it - Comment it Files submitted by to be annihilated :) Description: Features: Compatibility: Impress 1.0/XOOPS 2.0 or 2.2 or 2.3 Requirements: (which not mean Impress or XOOPS) Download History: - Changelog: Module Logo, followed by shot 1, 2,3 after hitting download, License agreement window, with checkbox and link to the license, or with the full text of the license, then after the visitor agrees - Download the file For the categories, post above Demo of what should look like - extensions.joomla.org - left side And about "trusted" users, doubled additions and linking should be set some rules, linking is bad, i mentioned above why, since there is already link to the author name/page, linking to the file is not needed. Who is trusted and who is representative for the File Repository, to make updates, additions and so on Language submit ion form have to be the same like Module submission form |
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