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2019/4/2 15:47:22

2 languages at 100% on softaculous

<p>I've started looking at the translations again. ImpressCMS prides itself as a multilingual CMS, that means at least that people can expect to find the user interface in their native tongue. We still have some improvements there <img src="" alt="" /></p>

<p>At the <a href="">current state of things</a>, 3 languages are fully complete : English (duh), French and Dutch. Several others are nearing 100%, such as <a href="">Korean</a>, <a href="">Spanish</a>, <a href="">German </a>and <a href="">Italian</a>. With a small amount of effort, we could get to 7 languages 100% complete in the near future.</p>

<p>If you are interested to participate in these languages, or know someone who is, <a href="">Transifex </a>is the site to go to. If you want to improve or add another language, please don't hesitate and let me know, either here or on Transifex</p>


Me on OpenHub

Subject Poster Date
     2 languages at 100% on softaculous fiammybe 2019/4/2 15:47:22
       Re: 2 languages at 100% on softaculous fiammybe 2019/4/22 15:43:30
       Re: 2 languages at 100% on softaculous skenow 2019/4/22 18:54:50
         Re: 2 languages at 100% on softaculous fiammybe 2019/4/23 7:13:15
       Re: 2 languages at 100% on softaculous skenow 2019/4/22 19:05:46
       Re: 2 languages at 100% on softaculous fiammybe 2019/4/23 6:00:59
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