Migrating our chat from Slack to Discord

We're moving from Slack to Discord for our chat interface. Join us there!

10 years ago, we launched a specific ImpressCMS instance on Slack to facilitate real-time communication both internally for the developers, but also with our users.

It was moderately succesfull for the internal discussions, but Slack is setup for team discussions, and less for discussions with people without an account that pass by and want to ask you a question. @mekdrop did find a workaround to automatically invite people that logged on using a specific link, but it was cumbersome to have to create an account just to ask a question.

Since then, the world has changed quite a bit. Slack has been taken over by Salesforce, and since then the functionality of the free accounts has been reduced considerably. A recent change that limited the visibility of pas messages not to the last 1000, but to those of the last 90 days, was the signal that we should move somewhere else. Our slack was low volume, so this impacted us very heavily.

Looking at what is used in other open source projects, and at the same time investigating migration possibilities, we have decided to move to Discord.

The migration of the Slack data has finished, so you can now log in with your Discord user (or register a new one).

Login on Discord

The comments are owned by the poster. We aren't responsible for their content.