Release of ImpressCMS 1.0 'Janus' Release Candidate 2

The ImpressCMS Project is proud to announce ImpressCMS 1.0 “JanusRelease Candidate 2!

This release of ImpressCMS improves on the first release candidate released early, based on the XOOPS 2.0.17 core. This release continues in our commitment to provide a stable migration path for XOOPS users and an easy to use CMS for new users.

Please note this release candidate is not intended for use on a production site. We encourage everyone to test it as much as possible! In one week from now, the final release of 1.0 should be release. This will be the first ImpressCMS package ready for production site. Stay tuned !

Fixed and improved in this release candidate:
Added : New smarty variable now available, <{$icmsLang}> representing the selected language. For example, if French is the current language selected by the user, then the value of this variable will be "french". (malanciault/davidl2)Fixed : Revision 955: Display issues with impresstheme. (Snow)Fixed : #1891588: Timezone offset empty (compatibility issue with versions of PHP aswell as operating system when using floats. (changed to an integer value instead). (vaughan/jegelstaff)Fixed : #1892430: Typo in language/english/user.php (malanciault/jegelstaff)
Included in the first release:
New Administration InterfaceIntegrated multilanguage capabilityNew custom block positionsImproved installation wizard aids in creating trust path and random db prefixesNew default themes and xHTML valid templatesAnd LOTS more! Read the full changelog.txt for complete details.
Download the upgrade and installation packages here.

An open letter from the initiators of the ImpressCMS Project can be found here.

This release can be downloaded directly on your server using the WGET command (providing you have SSH access to your server). To download it, simnply use this code:

You can easily get ImpressCMS using SVN. Instructions about this can be found here:

If you feel like getting the latest "edge" version, you can checkout the core trunk at
Download the upgrade and installation packages here.

An open letter from the initiators of the ImpressCMS Project can be found here.

This release can be downloaded directly on your server using the WGET command (providing you have SSH access to your server). To download it, simnply use this code:

You can easily get ImpressCMS using SVN. Instructions about this can be found here:

If you feel like getting the latest "edge" version, you can checkout the core trunk at

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