Tuesday March 10th 17h00 Eastern Time
The ImpressCMS Project announces first official release of its Open Source Content Management System.
Montreal - The ImpressCMS Project (http://www.impresscms.org), making a community driven open source content management system, announces the release of ImpressCMS 1.0 ("Janus"). This first stable release is based on the popular PHP/MySQL platform and delivers an extensible open source platform to create interactive and professional websites.
“We are very excited to have this release out and have seen tremendous adoption of our project by many users even before our first release. The goal of this project is to bring people together to design and develop a product that works for them. With the amount of community development and support we have seen so early, we are confident our philosophy is a hit with the community,” development spokesperson Marc-André Lanciault explains.
ImpressCMS is a Content Management System (CMS) for easily building and maintaining dynamic web sites. It is designed as the ideal tool for a wide range of users: from business to community users, from large enterprises to people who want a simple, easy to use blogging tool.
ImpressCMS uses a very open architecture, allowing webmasters to add modules into the core CMS for additional functionality. Modules have been developed by an international community of developers, designers and general fans to handle most every imaginable task associated with the managing of web content and an online community. "Designers would be surprised at how flexible ImpressCMS really is, I feel its approach to theme implementation, really opens the door of possibilities. I do not feel restricted in the slightest with what I can do with this powerful web solution," William Hall, veteran Open Source CMS designer said.
The goal of the ImpressCMS Project is to stimulate and promote the open source nature of the CMS in both the core and its modules and establish itself as the premiere CMS by expanding the system to meet the needs of their users now and well into the future.
“Our development team is entirely based on volunteers, module and core alike. We have centralized our source code repository for both modules and the core on Sourceforge (http://sourceforge.net/projects/impresscms/). We feel this will allow us to innovate across the whole platform in a much more collaborative way as it will more tightly integrate the two most important parts of our product and provide one-stop shopping for our users,” adds Lanciault.
"The web is changing daily and I am amazed at how quickly this development team responds to new challenges and opportunities! ImpressCMS will certainly become one of the major players in the next generation of content management systems." remarked longtime community contributor Steve Kenow.
About ImpressCMS
The ImpressCMS Project was formed in late 2007 as an offspring of the XOOPS Project (http://www.xoops.org). Many of the developers for ImpressCMS were veteran developers with extensive experience with the XOOPS Project and sought to establish a new project with a philosophy of openness, community contributions and continual improvements in code and features.
The core platform of ImpressCMS was inherited from XOOPS, but was quickly transformed into a unique product quite distinct from its parent, yet maintaining compatibility with modules and themes originally designed for XOOPS. This compatibility is designed to provide users a choice of platforms and provide them an easy migration to ImpressCMS.
The product is released under the GNU General Public License Version 2 and is available for download from the ImpressCMS website (http://www.impresscms.org ). Support is offered by the community and is open to all users of ImpressCMS ( http://community.impresscms.org ).
The ImpressCMS Project
Seth Miller