• Posted by marcan
  • Posted on 1/27/2008

Connecting people together: The driving force of ImpressCMS

There are a few things I strongly believe in. I strongly believe that the most important thing in life is family. I strongly believe in the open source philosophy. I strongly believe that we need to better take care of our planet if we want to still be here in the long run <img src=" /> And I absolutely, whole-heartedly believe in the truly amazing power of people connecting with each other !


Every time one person meet another person, there is, at the very least, one chance of something interesting, something creative, something funny, or just “something” to happen. And then, when those two people will each meet one other person, the same thing might happen, and so on, and so on. Every time two people meet, share something, exchange ideas, something great can happen ! Now imagine what happen when a hundred people connect together, when one thousand people or ten thousand people connect together ! The effect is exponential !

People. People connecting with each other. This is the true asset of an open source project. It is not code, it is not developers, it is the people. The people using the software, the people creating the software, the people helping each other, the people solving problems, the people creating greatness !

This is what ImpressCMS is, and this is what it will strive to be at all time. In order to help us achieve this, we are using and will push as far as we can, every tools at our disposal.

The ImpressCMS Community Site

This is the very home of the community. Exchange ideas, thoughts, concepts, bugs, solutions, features, even your grand-mother’s famous cookies recipe !


ImpressCMS on Facebook

Of course, ImpressCMS is properly represented on THE social networking site, Facebook. Join the official ImpressCMS Facebook group and become a fan of The ImpressCMS Project on Facebook ! These are very effective opportunity to meet more people sharing some similar interests!

The ImpressCMS IRC Channel

The official chat room of ImpressCMS. Come ask a question, provide an answer or simply casually chat with one another ! The IRC channel is available on freenode.net and is named #impresscms. You can also simply go here http://community.impresscms.org/chat/.

A few ImpressCMS Mailing Lists

A few mailing lists are available for everyone to stay informed regarding development information, bug tracking, feature requests, etc…

Simply go here to subscribe to the desired mailing lists: http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=205633

The ImpressCMS Ohloh project page

This site catalogs, gathers and analyzes various statistic data on open source software project. Doing so, it gives very interesting information about ImpressCMS.


ImpressCMS LinkedIn group

Another great site for connecting people together is LinkedIn. ImpressCMS has its own group here.

Delicious ImpressCMS Boomarks

Another famous social networking site if of coure Del.icio.us ! Well come browse and add to the ImpressCMS taged bookmarks !

ImpressCMS pictures on Flickr

Browse and add ImpressCMS related images directly on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/impresscms/

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