• Posted by marcan
  • Posted on 2/1/2008

And here comes our second release !

Just finished publishing the second release of our project: ImpressCMS 1.0 “Janus” Beta 2 ! This release improves the work that was already done with the first beta. A few bugs were fixed and we are preparing the field for release 1.1, to be release early March.


The reactions we have received since the public opening of the project is very encouraging ! Many people have joined, many old folks, many new figures ! It seems so far that our development philosophy is something that people like. Everyone feel included, everyone feel they can contribute. I am personaly very glad of what we have accomplish so far ! We have a strong team of very dedicated people, and the community is increasing day after day. But most importantly, we all have absolute fun doing this ! This is the most important thing and it will definatly be a key factor to our success !

So I encourage anyone to download and test this beta 2 ! A release candidate should be release very soon, and then a final one! Then, because of the very high activity of our community, ImpressCMS 1.1 will be on the way !

Rock on ! !

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