XoopsTube 1.01 Final released

Today XoopsTube 1.01 FINAL has been released.

With XoopsTube you can add (embed) video clips from miscellaneous sources like YouTube, MySpace TV, MetaCafe and Dailymotion to your website.
The videos can be organised by means of categories and sub-categories.

XoopsTube 1.01 Final has been tested with ImpressCMS 1.0 “Janus” Beta and no issues were found.


- Fixed case sensitivity of search function
- Removed footer.php
- Renamed rate6.png into rate5.png in folder images/icon/
- Editor for user & admin can be different (Preferences)
- Added support for videoclips from DailyMotion
- Added Facebook to Social Bookmarks


XoopsTube 1.01 Final can be downloaded here.


1. fresh install
If you install XoopsTube for the first time then upload the folder /modules/xoopstube to your server and install XoopsTube as any other module.

2. updating from previous RC
If you would like to update the advice is first to make a backup of your database and the XoopsTube module on your server.
Then remove all content from the folder /modules/xoopstube from your server (do not uninstall the module!).
After this upload the files of the new version to your server and update XoopsTube in the Control Panel of your website.


One of the main new features is the possibility to add tags. For this the Tag module has to be installed.
When you add a video clip there is the option to add tags under the keywords form entry.
These tags are added to the XoopsTube tables and Tag tables of the database upon submitting.
By default the entry form is turned off in the submit form for users. You can activate this in the Preferences.
The tags will be removed when a video is deleted.
- Use a wysiwyg editor because bbcode will be displayed by the Tag module
- Do not add too many tags to one video, make it appr. 5
- For 2 words use an underscore instead of a space: WORD_WORD
- You can use lowercase and uppercase letters
The template files of the tag module contain classes that are not defined anywhere. You can define them yourself in the CSS-file of your theme, ie.

.tag-cloud {
text-align: center;

See for more information on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_%28metadata%29

Adding videos

You can add videos from the following sources:
- YouTube
- MetaCafe
- iFilm/Spike
- Photobucket
- Google Video
- MySpace TV
- Dailymotion
If you want to add videos from Google Video, Dailymotion and/or MySpace TV you also have to submit the url of the thumbnail in the box 'Picture url'. For other sources you can leave this box empty.


All icons in this release of XoopsTube have been replaced by new ones in PNG format.

Social Bookmarks

Social bookmarks will be visible under the video clip.
In the file sbookmarks.php you can select which social bookmarks should be visible.
Just comment out the once you don't want to be visible.
Note that not all social bookmarks have been tested.
It's known that the social bookmark Windows Live doesn't work correctly.

Waiting, Sitemap & RSSFit plugins

There are also 2 plugins for GIJOE's Sitemap and Waiting module.
You can download these modules here: http://xoops.peak.ne.jp
The RSSFit plugin is for the module RSSFit from Brandycoke Productions (http://www.brandycoke.com)

Development environment

XoopsTube was created and tested with the following test environment variables:
WAMP5 ersion 1.7.3
PHP 5.2.4
MySQL 5.0.45-community-nt
Apache 2.2.4 (Win32)
ImpressCMS 1.0 “Janus” Beta
XOOPS 2.0.17/2.0.18
Theme: default & impresstheme

Submit a bug

If you find a bug in XoopsTube then please be so kind to report it here in this forum: http://members.lycos.nl/mcdonaldsstore/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=2


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