13 Apr
The SmartFactory is very proud to release the new version of its articles management module SmartSection 2.14 Beta !
What's new in version 2.14 Beta?
As usual, many bug fixes but also the addition of a rating system for articles and the possibility to select more than 1 category in the recent articles blocks. The module is also now supporting importing from WF-Section 2.07.
Please read the changelog for more details about the changes of this new release.
13 Apr
The ImpressCMS toolbar is a set of tools for ImpressCMS users - a custom search of the ImpressCMS sites (www, community, addons, wiki and blog), links to all the sites, links to the international sites, RSS feeds from the forums and news, and a chat room just for users of the toolbar.
The toolbar is available for Firefox and Internet Explorer and works in Windows, Mac or Linux.
12 Apr
Bassman Themes is soon to launch it's first ever theming competition and oh boy do we have some good news, but you need to keep this a secret........................
Ohh ok then, let the world know, but do it quick, there are some cash prizes and book prizes from us and our sponsors.
The sponsors of this competition include Bassman Themes & Packt Publishing, those great people who run the 'The Open Source Content Management System Award' every year.
11 Apr
08 Apr
The ImpressCMS Team cordially invites you to the launch of "Addons" - the extensions repository for the project.
The Addons site will be the hub for the current, and future extensions available for ImpressCMS. Here you will find a growing inventory of: Documentation, Editors, Languages, Libraries, Modules, and Themes; among other things.
Addons is a prime example of the power and flexibility of ImpressCMS.
Without our users and the brilliant people behind each and every contribution - Addons, nor ImpressCMS, would not be here. So a special thanks goes out to all of you, users and developers alike, for making this all possible.
05 Apr
31 Mar
30 Mar