24 Feb

Release of ImpressCMS 1.0 'Janus' Release Candidate 2

By Anonymous

The ImpressCMS Project is proud to announce ImpressCMS 1.0 “JanusRelease Candidate 2!

This release of ImpressCMS improves on the first release candidate released early, based on the XOOPS 2.0.17 core. This release continues in our commitment to provide a stable migration path for XOOPS users and an easy to use CMS for new users.

21 Feb

XoopsTube 1.02

By Anonymous

XoopsTube 1.02 has just been released.

This is mainly a maintenance release, no major changes have been made.

20 Feb

Mr. Theme Design Presents iHome!

By Anonymous

Mr. Theme Design is pleased to release iHome.

iHome is a standard 3 column theme with a twist, we expanded on the cycle block values concept we applied in our IBusinessV2 themes...

19 Feb

Mr. Theme Design Presents iColor!

By Anonymous

Mr. Theme Design is proud to release our third free theme for iCMS, iColor.

19 Feb

[pt-br]Meus primeiros 2 sites profissionais com o ImpressCMS[/pt-br]

By Anonymous

[pt-br] Venho orgulhosamente anunciar o lançamento de meus 2 primeiros sites feitos profissionalmente com o ImpressCMS. [/pt-br]

16 Feb

Mr. Theme Design Presents iBusiness!

By Anonymous

Mr. Theme Design is proud to present iBusiness.

12 Feb

Mr Theme Design - Reborn

By Anonymous

Mr. Theme Design has been re-opened and rebuilt from the ground up with iCMS!

10 Feb

Release of ImpressCMS 1.0 'Janus' Release Candidate

By Anonymous

The ImpressCMS Project is proud to announce ImpressCMS 1.0 “JanusRelease Candidate!

This release of ImpressCMS improves on the initial 2 beta releases, based on the XOOPS 2.0.17 core. This release continues in our commitment to provide a stable migration path for XOOPS users and an easy to use CMS for new users.

09 Feb

social-bookmarks 0.3

By Anonymous

The next Release of social-bookmarks 0.3 has been released.

New features in this version are the possibility to change the bookmarks in the module-backend.

- automatische Versionsanzeige im Modul-Backend (sato-san)
- automatic version display in the module-backend